Monday, November 9, 2009

Rurban is a space that incorporates both rural and urban charectoristics- a person or a setting that is rural but with urban aspirations.

With the business seeking fortune at the bottom of pyramid and aspirations of rural and urban consumer getting less distinct, addressing the rurban customer is the challenge. As companies in India move to rural territories to expand their business-whether it is mobile phones for rural folk or real estate in small town- the rurbanites are rural folk who enjoy some advantages of city life. As a recent article in a national daily pointed out through rurban development will measure up to its name only when villagers can access all urban amenities without moving out of their villages

Monday, March 23, 2009

Development: A New Paradigm

How you can bring development in the backward area like Africa, Sudan, Bangladesh or few places in India? The obivious answer comes in a general mind is Donation. And this is the way used by an indivisual or other well organised body like UN or World Bank. But I believe "Development can not brought by donation or charity" or in other word these area does not want to be saved through these glimick rather they want the global community (So called social community) to acknowledge that through fair partnership (Investment) with global community they are capable of unprecedented growth.
Finally I would like to conclude my philosophy by saying "Respect rural/backward area by investing rather than trying to 'save' it".